Bumerang - Hungary 1966 VW - Original Movie Poster
Bumerang ( or Boomerang) is a 1966 movie from Poland, and this from the same year is the Hungarian first release poster, featuring the VW Beetle.
For all the good it will do you, here's a link to the IMDb entry for the movie - they seem to know as much about it as I do. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060195/
All I know is that it's a cracking little poster, in super condition, with lovely artwork, particularly if you're a Beetle fan.
The smaller pix are of items currently in stock featuring the ubiquitous VW Beetle.
Origin: Hungary 1966
Size: 23 x 16 in / 58 x 41 cm
Condition: Excellent.
Beetle, Hungary, Original Movie Posters, Volkswagen,