Teknikens Triumfer, Sweden, 1933. Fritz von Opel, Austin. Original Poster
Teknikens Triumfer was one of a series of books written and published in the 1930s by Edgar Schieldrop, of whom, more here: https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_B._Schieldrop. Good luck with the translation.
The series of three books explored the outer limits of what it was possible to achieve with contemporary technology, in transport on land, sea, and air.
No prizes for guessing which one this promoted. The top pic. appears to be Walter Baumer test driving a German licensed Austin record breaker. The bottom and rather more famous is Fritz von Opel, in 1928, at the wheel of the second of a string of rocket cars he built, pretty much just for the hell of it.
This example, RAK 2 was propelled by 24 rockets developing 1320 pounds of thrust, and initiated by enough explosive to destroy a small city block. It hit a record breaking 148m.p.h. at Avus in 1928, with the heroically daft Fritz at the wheel.
This poster for Teknikens Triumfer was printed in tiny numbers at the time of the book's release, and is certainly the only one I have ever seen.
Condition is excellent, particularly considering this poster is over 80 years old !
Origin: Sweden 1933
Size: 35 x 19 in / 89 x 48 cm
Condition: Excellent
Featured Items, Racing Gallery & Non-Movie Items:, Sweden,